DVKG Partner

A3M Global Monitoring Logo

&about our partner:

A3M offers the most effective early warning, information and communication systems for the protection and safety of leisure travelers and employees on business trips and assignments abroad.

The increase in dangers and security risks worldwide means that travel security and crisis management are becoming increasingly important. Political unrest, terrorism, strikes, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, epidemics, crime, etc. can have devastating effects. With our Global Monitoring System and the solutions Country Information, Destination Manager, Travel Tracking, Travel Alerts, Calendar Alerting and Global Monitoring App, we support you in fulfilling your duty of care and information.

We also offer selected services in the areas of crisis management and security and medical assistance.

Global Monitoring has been named the industry standard in crisis management by the German Travel Association (DRV)


Your benefits:

Take advantage of comprehensive security protection for your travelers.

For further information, please contact DVKG Sales.



AirPlus Logo

&about our partner:

So that business trips pay off better
Travel expense management made by AirPlus

The DVKG is delighted about the partnership with AirPlus. Pay and invoice, analyze and control business trips: In day-to-day business, this is often complicated and time-consuming. With AirPlus, you have the entire business travel process under control - before, during and after the trip. AirPlus has been developing accounting solutions for business travel expenses for over 25 years and has continued to refine them over time. Today, over 46,500 companies worldwide are already saving costs and time with the help of AirPlus. Regardless of size and industry.

Your advantages:

You want to use your AriPlus card or AirPlus Company Card to pay for consular services? No problem. For further information, please contact the DVKG sales department.



Ebner Stolz RSM

Global Mobility - questions from different disciplines - coordinated answers from a single source

Ebner Stolz is one of the largest independent medium-sized auditing and consulting companies in Germany and is one of the top ten in the industry. The company has decades of sound experience in auditing, tax consultancy, legal advice and management consultancy. Around 1,400 employees offer this broad spectrum in the multidisciplinary approach that is typical of the company in all major German cities and business centers. As a market leader in the SME sector, the company primarily supports medium-sized industrial, commercial and service companies in all sectors and sizes.

Ebner Stolz advises its clients on all issues relating to global mobility and supports internationally positioned companies and their employees when moving abroad and employing foreign specialists in Germany. Clients benefit from comprehensive advice. The advantage: one contact person from Ebner Stolz provides answers to all relevant questions, i.e. visa and residence issues, employment, tax and social security law, including A1 applications and A1 certificates as well as reporting obligations. Ebner Stolz also assists with all challenges in the corporate tax area, such as the creation of potential foreign permanent establishments and transfer pricing issues.

Ebner Stolz carries out cross-border audit and advisory assignments together with partners from Nexia International, one of the world's ten largest networks of consulting and audit firms. Ebner Stolz is represented by Nexia in over 115 countries with more than 650 offices.

Your advantages:

Use Ebner Stolz's professional expertise on global mobility topics. For further information, please contact DVKG Vertrieb .




The DVKG is delighted about the partnership with the DGFP – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung. With around 40,000 HR professionals and an HR community of around 2,300 members, the DGFP has been the largest competence and career network for HR professionals in Germany since 1952.

The DGFP ensures professional exchange for HR management professionals. In addition, the DGFP is the publisher of the specialist journal Personalführung. Together with its members and partners, the DGFP works on current trends and HR topics, supports HR professionals in their careers and is the voice of HR management in politics and society. Its network includes DAX companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, renowned scientific organizations and consultancies as well as numerous personalities from human resources management.

The personal exchange of experience is at the heart of their work. Every year, over 4,000 HR managers take part in around 100 ERFA groups to promote the active transfer of knowledge.

In its studies and publications, the DGFP bundles the latest HR knowledge. Together with its members, the DGFP shapes the working world of today and tomorrow.

Your benefits:

As a DGFP member, we offer you many advantages for a tangibly streamlined application for consular services. Ask for an individual customer number and start the application process. For further information, please contact the DVKG sales department.



asr Logo

&about our partner:

The DVKG is delighted about the partnership with asr - Allianz selbständiger Reiseunternehmen – Bundesverband e.V. As an association, asr is independent and focuses on the interests of medium-sized tourism companies. In the political landscape, the asr is accredited as a representative of medium-sized travel companies. The asr offers plenty of scope for active participation and co-determination.

Your advantages:

As an asr member, we offer you many advantages for a tangibly streamlined visa application. Ask for an individual customer number and start the visa process. For further information, please contact the DVKG sales department.




&about our partner:

The DVKG is delighted about the partnership with the GBTA - Global Business Travel Association.

Your benefits:

As a GBTA member, you receive many benefits for a tangibly streamlined visa application process.

For further information, please contact DVKG Sales.



VDR Logo

&about our partner:

The DVKG is delighted about the partnership with the VdR - the business travel association in Germany.

Your advantages:

As a VdR member, you receive many benefits for a tangibly streamlined visa application. For further information, please contact the VKG sales department.


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