Sales team

Good afternoon,

The Deutsche Visa und Konsular Gesellschaft (DVKG) has improved the quality and cost-efficiency of the application processes for visas, social security certificates/A1 certificates, EU notifications, immigration and workation in the interests of its customers through technologically modern solutions. DVKG is an expert in taking over your administrative processes in the area of consular services.

Are you interested in an innovative and attractive solution for your consular processes? Call the DVKG sales team:




+49 30 2576 4861                              

+49 69 2562 7490



One-stop booking

All visa application procedures destinations:

=> A web-based, privacy-compliant dynamic application => Don't type in repetitive information.


Added to the legalization:

=&> A web-based, data protection-compliant dynamic application =&> ongoing information about the current status.


Europe in focus: EU notification and A1 application/social security certificate:

=> A web-based, data protection-compliant dynamic application => reuse of application information across destinations. A learning system.


Europe and the world in focus: Workation:

=&> Regular query and confirmation of the workation including the supplementary work agreement.


Inbound Germany: Immigration / immigration of skilled workers:

=&> Support with skilled labor immigration in immigration issues and relocation.


… and everything via tablet and smartphone – ToGo!


DVKG 6 x DVKG results

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