A1 certificate: Exemption planned from 2019
24/10/2018 00:00

The application and certification procedure was to become mandatory for employers on January 1, 2019. Due to the challenges involved in implementing the procedure, the umbrella organizations of the social insurance system reached a compromise solution at the meeting on the joint notification procedure on 28 June 2018. This means that paper applications can continue to be submitted in justified individual cases until June 30, 2019.

India: Consular provider increases fees for Berlin / Munich
10/09/2018 16:00

The consular provider for Berlin and Munich, IVS Europe GmbH, is increasing its fees from 30.99 euros/gross to 32.49 euros/gross with immediate effect.

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Russia Berlin business visas: strict verification of proof of liquidity
06/09/2018 12:00

The Russian Consulate in Berlin informs: 

It is no longer sufficient to submit a secondment letter with salary details from the company. With immediate effect, proof of liquidity in the form of one of the following alternatives must be submitted in addition to the secondment letter.

  • a salary statement (one from the last three months); 
  • A current bank statement; 
  • a copy of the business registration (for self-employed persons)

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Indian Consulate General in Hamburg introduces zero-defect tolerance
27/08/2018 12:00

The Indian Consulate in Frankfurt informs: 

Visa documents must be submitted in a flawless and completely correct condition. No corrections may be made on site. Handwritten corrections will no longer be accepted.

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United States of America / USA increase the consular fee
21/08/2018 12:00

Inform the Embassy of the United States of America / USA: 

The consular fee in Euro has been adjusted to the new exchange rate forecast and amounts to 144,- Euro with immediate effect.

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