EU notification Sweden: EU notification required from the first day of use
18/06/2020 12:00

The Swedish Work Environment Authority informs:

In order to protect posted workers, the regulations on posting have been amended. These come into force on July 30, 2020:

  • An EU notification must be made by the time of entry
  • The rule that no EU notification is required for a stay of up to 5 days is no longer applicable.
  • The receiving company must receive proof of the declaration
  • .
  • The total period of time spent on the secondment of posted workers must be taken into account.
  • The receiving company must inform the Swedish Work Environment Authority if no proof of notification has been provided by the sending company.
  • Compliance with existing collective agreements must be ensured for the salary level during the posting period.

    Best regards

    Your DVKG team

    Option of booking possible charter flights to China
    11/06/2020 12:00

    Good afternoon,

    Here you will find the information of the Foreign Chamber of Commerce in China about the probable execution of 3 charter flights to Qingdao, China.

    Please read the information carefully and contact the AHK in China directly if you are interested.

    We are happy to assist you with any questions and visa applications.

    Your DVKG team

    India - Professional entry is still possible under special regulations
    10/06/2020 12:05

    Entering India:

    Occupational entry (business visas and work visas) is also possible. The following regulations apply:

    After entering India, a 14-day quarantine must currently be observed. A 14-day quarantine must currently also be observed after returning to Germany.

    The DVKG will assist you with the submission process via the Indian consulate.

    Your DVKG Team

    18/05/2020 00:00

    Consulate General in Munich: 

    The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Munich allows the issuance of business visas for the purpose of entry "Technical Service". To apply for a visa in the above category, an official invitation issued by an authority of the Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Office for Migration or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required.

    Destinations with entry options
    14/05/2020 18:00

    Good afternoon,

    The following list contains destinations that have already implemented or specifically announced easing measures*


    A travel warning applies to selected destinations: Auswärtige Amt


    Dänemark: Decision by June 1

    D¨nemark Minister President Mette Frederiksen is currently talking to her colleagues in Germany about possible border openings. For the time being, however, Denmark wants to keep the barriers down, at least until May 31, 2020. Copenhagen wants to decide by June 1, 2020 whether and when there will be a relaxation. Germany has already declared its willingness to open its borders.

    France: Borders to open on June 16

    France: From June 16, 2020, checks will no longer be carried out at the borders with France . This is what the German and French governments are planning. The first easing of restrictions within France has been in force since May 11. Since that day, most shops have been allowed to reopen. However, restaurants, cafés, large museums and other tourist attractions remain closed. Many beaches and public parks are also still closed.

    Greece: It should start again in July

    Greece The announced revival of tourism in Greece on July 1 is in the bag. The government in Athens has decided to open the country to guests from abroad. Details will be announced by May 15, according to reports. However, the issue of hygiene conditions for flights in corona times must first be clarified. Tourism, the most important sector of the Greek economy, is facing a catastrophe this year due to the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Island: every visitor is tested

    Island: The Icelandic government will test every person entering the country for coronavirus from June 15, 2020. These tests will take place directly at the airport. After the test, travelers are initially allowed to go to their accommodation, but must wait there for the result. This should be available on the same day. If the guest is negative, i.e. does not have coronavirus, they may move freely around the country. Otherwise, they must stay in domestic quarantine for 14 days.

    Croatia negotiates with neighbors

    Croatia According to reports, the country is negotiating with Austria, Slovenia and the Czech Republic about making vacation travel by car possible. This also includes the opening of corresponding highway corridors for travel. Croatia's government also wants to open up campsites first, followed by private rooms and vacation homes, followed by the rental of sailing boats and yachts. However, there is not yet an exact date for this.

    Luxembourg: borders are open

    Luxembourg: Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has announced that controls at the border with Luxembourg will be ended on the night of Saturday, May 16 . This means that travel between the two countries is possible again. Passenger flights at Luxembourg Airport are expected to take place again from June.

    The Netherlands: camping possible in the middle of the year

    The Netherlands Relaxations for tourism are planned from July 1. Campsites and vacation parks will then be allowed to open their doors again. As there was never a ban on entering Holland, German vacationers can also rent accommodation there. Restaurants, cafés and theaters are allowed to receive up to 100 visitors. Social distancing of at least 1.5 meters is required and masks must be worn on public transport. Sports with direct physical contact, such as football, will only be permitted from September 1. However, golf, swimming and tennis will be permitted again from next week.

    Österreich: Öffnung für Mitte Juni geplant

    Österreich The Austrian and German governments want to reopen the borders between the two countries on June 15, 2020 again. Vienna is also seeking similar agreements with Switzerland, Liechtenstein and its Eastern European neighbors. Austria wants to help its badly affected tourism industry: In the 2019 summer season, German guests accounted for almost 38 percent of all overnight stays in Austria. The hotels closed due to coronavirus will reopen at the end of the year, but initially only for Austrian holidaymakers.

    Poland: Waiting for a decision

    Poland The border crossings to Germany and other countries are closed until May 13, 2020. The Polish government will announce soon whether and when they will be opened.

    Sweden: borders open, but travel warning

    Sweden There is currently no closure of the borders, but controls and restrictions are planned. In principle, however, the Swedish government advises against travel to and within the country, and Germany has also issued a travel warning. The healthcare system there is at risk of being overloaded, meaning that any necessary treatment cannot necessarily be guaranteed.

    Switzerland: border opening in mid-June

    Switzerland: Germany and Switzerland are to reopen their borders on June 16, 2020 . Switzerland currently only allows entry for Swiss and Liechtenstein citizens.

    Spain: speculation, but no dates

    Spain The most popular vacation destination for Germans has not yet announced when the borders will be reopened. While German politicians expect that Mallorca could possibly reopen as early as the summer, some Spanish politicians have emphasized that tourism is not expected to pick up before the end of the year. With more than 26,000 coronavirus deaths, the country has been one of the worst hit in Europe. Like other countries, Spain wants to impose a two-week quarantine for travelers who want to visit the country.

    Czech Republic plans to open in July

    Czech Republic The Czech government is considering reopening the country's borders in July . However, this has not yet been finally decided. "I would like to open the borders with Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia in July," said the Czech Foreign Minister. If the situation in the fight against the corona epidemic develops well, the opening could also take place earlier.

    Turkey: Turkish Airlines to fly again from June

    Türkei: There is no official announcement yet as to when Turkey will reopen its borders to tourists. However, Turkish Airlines has announced that it intends to resume flights in stages from June. The first flights from Germany will take off from June 1. A corona rapid test is to be carried out at the airport upon landing. If the test is negative, holidaymakers are allowed to move freely around the country and do not have to go into a 14-day quarantine. In principle, however, the result does not have to be awaited at the airport, the hotel or accommodation details are sufficient.