Current travel warnings and entry options
24/04/2020 12:00

Good afternoon,

States have closed their borders, suspended valid visas or decided on quarantine measures. Here you will find an overview of current measures.

Your DVKG team

China: Travel advice
23/04/2020 08:00

The Chinese Consulate informs:

Best regards

Your DVKG team

China: Validity of China visas issued until 28.03.2020 temporarily suspended. New visa application required for immediate entry.
30/03/2020 12:00

Good afternoon,

We would like to inform you that the People's Republic of China has temporarily suspended the entry of foreigners with valid visas on March 28, 2020. Entries with diplomatic, official, humanitarian or C visas are not affected by this.

Persons who nevertheless need to travel to China for important business, scientific or humanitarian reasons require a newly issued visa. The DVKG can assist you with the application via the Chinese embassy in Berlin.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Your DVKG team

Current visa application options
27/03/2020 18:00

Good afternoon,

Depending on the destination, visa applications are very limited or not possible at all. Please contact the visa consultants to find out how they can assist you with your application.

The most important destinations at a glance:

We will inform you as soon as a visa application is possible again.

Please also check the information provided by the Foreign Office:

Your DVKG team

Travel and safety instructions
11/03/2020 00:00

Due to the travel restrictions in connection with the coronavirus, we provide you with the following links to the Foreign Office.

General information for travelers: Travel and safety information Federal Foreign Office    

Country-specific travel and security advice:  Auswärtiges Amt-Länderhinweise

In addition, we recommend that travelers inform themselves directly at the consulate of the respective country of travel in Germany before starting any trip whether entry bans or special controls have been issued.

Your DVKG Team