Travel and safety instructions
11/03/2020 00:00

Due to the travel restrictions in connection with the coronavirus, we provide you with the following links to the Foreign Office.

General information for travelers: Travel and safety information Federal Foreign Office    

Country-specific travel and security advice:  Auswärtiges Amt-Länderhinweise

In addition, we recommend that travelers inform themselves directly at the consulate of the respective country of travel in Germany before starting any trip whether entry bans or special controls have been issued.

Your DVKG Team

Vietnam - Visa-free regime temporarily suspended
10/03/2020 00:00

The Vietnamese consulate informs:

On March 9, 2020, the government of Vietnam temporarily suspended visa-free entry for German citizens.

This regulation comes into force on 12.03.2020.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our visa advisors.

Your DVKG team

China Frankfurt & Düsseldorf: Flight booking confirmation
05/03/2020 12:00

The consulate in Frankfurt informs:

For the visa application via the consular offices in Frankfurt and Dusseldorf, a flight booking confirmation must be submitted. The departure must take place within 14 days from the date of submission.

Your DVKG Team

China Munich: Flight confirmation
04/03/2020 12:00

The consulate in Munich informs:

For the visa application via the consular provider office in Munich, a flight confirmation must be presented:

  • Entry frequency 1 time and 2 times:
    • A paid flight ticket with ticket number in copy
  • Frequency of entry several times:
    • A flight reservation for the first trip without ticket number in copy
  • Your DVKG team

    EU notification Netherlands - mandatory from March 1, 2020
    12/02/2020 12:00

    Good afternoon!

    From March 1, 2020, the EU declaration will be mandatory for the Netherlands. The EU declaration will be carried out electronically. The DVKG provides you with a reporting process that is easy to experience.

    Your DVKG team