Sustainability agreement

The DVKG / ÖVKG has always worked to develop, implement and offer services and processes that meet sustainability requirements in order to make a positive contribution to society in the long term. Our aim is to implement the highest sustainability standards.

We use our expertise

  • to reduce our impact on the local and global environment;
  • to engage with the communities in which we live and work;
  • to care for our employees;
  • to take responsibility for the impact of our services on applicants and travelers;
  • and to support our customers and service providers in their sustainability efforts.


We ensure that we act in accordance with international, regional and local standards. Our challenge is to implement the highest requirements of "corporate best practice" in sustainability.


The DVKG / ÖVKG accepts and executes your order on the basis of trust. Responsibility plays an indispensable role in this. We pursue an environmentally friendly perspective, e.g. by offering to return several documents in one envelope. We ensure a reduction in paper consumption through digital processing.

We want to get involved in your business activities and thus improve competitiveness and profitability in the long term.



Compliance with internationally recognized human rights is a matter of course for us.

DVKG / ÖVKG, its customers and suppliers should support and respect the protection of international human rights within their sphere of influence. Likewise, DVKG / ÖVKG, its customers and suppliers are required to oppose any form of discrimination on the basis of e.g. race, ethnic origin, gender, religion, ideology, disability, age, sexual identity or other personal characteristics within the framework of the applicable rights and laws.



Prohibition of child labor: 

Under no circumstances may child labor be used. DVKG / ÖVKG, its customers and suppliers are required to comply with the recommendation of the UN Global Compact ( on the minimum age for the employment or use of child labor.

Wages and benefits, working hours: 

Remuneration and compensation, benefits and working hours must comply with applicable laws and industry standards.

Free choice of employment: 

Compulsory or obligatory work is not permitted. Employees must have the freedom to terminate the employment relationship within a reasonable period of time. Employees may not be required to surrender their identity card, passport or work permits as a precondition for employment.


C) CORPORATE ETHICS Anti-corruption: 

In general, DVKG / ÖVKG does not bribe third parties and does not allow itself to be influenced in its decisions by extraneous advantages and expects the same behavior from its customers and suppliers.
DVKG / ÖVKG, its customers and suppliers undertake to work against all forms of corruption, including extortion, bribery and embezzlement.



Environmental responsibility:

Businesses must take a precautionary approach to environmental protection, take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and promote the development of environmentally friendly services.

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